Please Click Here to View 2025 Monthly Calendar
Please Click Here to View 2025 Calendar of Events
Upcoming Events:
Sunday, January 26th, Sveti Sava Celebration
Sunday, February 2nd, EOYC Camp Dinner Click for Flyer
Current Videos:
2025 Badna Vece Program https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_97mUCESc4
2024 Sveti Sava Program: https://youtu.be/AAuBHNfHAqE
2024 Sveti Sava Folklore Program: https://youtu.be/K0bizcGUKac
2024 Badnja Vece Program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B49HD8PGTtQ
EOYC 2023 Camp Video - YouTube
EOYC 2023 Graduating Seniors - YouTube
Calendar for January 2025 – Распоред Богослужења за Јануар 2025
Saturday Evening, January 4th
5 PM Vespers
Sunday, January 5th, Sunday of the Holy Fathers. St Nahum of Ohrid. 28th Sunday after Pentecost.
10 АМ Divine Liturgy
Monday, January 6th. The Eve of Nativity-Badnji Dan
9 АМ Divine Liturgy with Vespers
7 PM Compline – Children's Performance to Follow
Blessing of Badnjak to follow in the Hall
9:30 PM Nativity Matins
Tuesday, January 7th. NATIVITY OF OUR LORD GOD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST –CHRISTMAS. The Adoration of the Magi: Melchior, Caspar, and Balthasar.
Commemoration of the shepherds in Bethlehem who were watching their flocks and came to see the Lord.
10 АМ Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, January 8th. Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos. Righteous Joseph, David, and James.
9 АМ Divine Liturgy
Thursday, January 9th. St. Stephen the First Martyr
9 АМ Divine Liturgy
Fast Free week from January 7th to the 18th
Saturday Evening, January 11th
5 PM Vespers
7 PM - 12:30 AM - New Year’s Celebration!!!
Sunday, January 12th, Righteous Joseph, David, and James. 29th Sunday after Pentecost.
10 АМ Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, January 14th, Circumcision of the Lord, St. Basil the Great. Serbian New Year-Old New Year.
9 АМ Divine Liturgy
Saturday, January 18th, Holy Cross Day.
9 АМ Divine Liturgy
Saturday Evening, January 18th
5 PM Vespers
Sunday, January 19th. THEOPHANY
Great Blessing of Waters.
10 АМ Divine Liturgy
Monday, January 20th, Synaxis of the Glorious Prophet John
9 АМ Divine Liturgy
Saturday Evening, January 25th
5 PM Vespers
Sunday, January 26th. 31st Sunday after Pentecost
10 АМ Divine Liturgy
St. Sava Celebration & Program to follow.
Monday, January 27, St. Sava. First Archbishop and Wonderworker
9 АМ Divine Liturgy
Saturday Evening, February 1st
5 PM Vespers
Sunday, February 2, 32nd Sunday after Pentecost.
10 АМ Divine Liturgy
EOYC Camp Luncheon
Субота увече 4, Јануар
Вечерње у 5 часова
Недеља, 5 Јануар, Недеља Светих Отаца. Св. Наум Охридски. 28 Недеља по Духовима
10 АМ Божанствена Литургија.
Понедељак 6, Јануар . Бадњи Дан.
9 АМ Божанствена Литургија.
Повечерије у 7 PM, Освећење Бадњак следи у сали.
9:30 PM Божићно Јутрење.
Уторак, 7 Јануар. РОЖДЕСТВО ХРИСТОВО – БОЖИЋ. Поклоњење св. Мудрацима Мелхиор, Гаспар, и Валтазар, и пастире у Витлејему који су дошли да виде новорођеног Господа.
10 АМ Божанствена Литургија.
Трапаве Седмица од 7 Јануара до 18 Јануара.
Среда, 8 Јануар. Сабор Пресвете Богородице
9 АМ Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија
Четртак, 9 Јануар. Св. Првомученик Стефан Архиђакон.
9 АМ Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија
Субота увече, 11 Јануар
Вечерње у 5 часова
Недеља, 12 Јануар, 29 Недеља по Духовима.
10 АМ Божанствена Литургија.
Уторак. 14 Јануар. Обрезање Господње и Св. Василије Велики. Нова Година
9 АМ Божанствена Литургија.
Субота, 18 Јануар. Крстовдан.
9 АМ Божанствена Литургија
Субота увече, 18 Јануар
Вечерње у 5 часова
Недеља, 19, Јануар, БОГОЈАВЉЕЊЕ. 30 Недеља по Духовима. Велико освећење воде.
9 АМ Божанствена Литургија
Понедељак, 20 Јануар, Сабор Св. Јована Крститеља -Јовандан
9 АМ Божанствена Литургија.
Субота увече, 25 Јануар
Вечерње у 5 часова
Недеља, 26 Јануар, 31 Недеља по Духовима
10 АМ Божанствена Литургија. Светосавски програм после литургије.
Понедељак, 27 Јануар, Св. Сав Први Српски Архиепископ и просветитељ - Савиндан
9 АМ Божанствена Литургија.
Субота увече, 1 Фебруар
Вечерње у 5 часова
Недеља, 2 Фебруар, 32 Недеља по Духовима.
10 АМ Божанствена Литургија
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The current church building was constructed in 2006 and is located near College Boulevard and Pflumm Road in Lenexa. |
Apostolic Christianity in Serbia (located in Southeast Europe) dates back to the seventh century. Christianity eventually became the state religion, and the Serbian Orthodox Church received ecclesiastical independence in 1219 with the consecration of St. Sava as the nation's archbishop. Orthodox Christianity became the country's primary religion and remains so to this day.
During a wave of immigration to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries , a Serbian community was established in Kansas City, Kansas. The community constructed a meeting hall, which held occasional services until St. George Church was chartered on April 18, 1906 in a home that was remodeled into a small church building. A more permanent church building and meeting hall was constructed in Kansas City, Kansas at the corner of Bethany and Lowell in 1925. This remained the location of the parish until 2006, when the new St. George church building (pictured above) was consecrated in Lenexa, Kansas. St. George Church continues the tradition of Orthodox Christianity that can be traced from that original Serbian community in Kansas City, to Europe, to the Apostles.
Visitors are welcome at our church services and special events. Contact Father Radomir if you have questions.
Click the links below to learn more about our priest, our history, our diocese, and our patriarchate:
One of the first things that strikes a non-Orthodox visitor to an Orthodox church is the prominent place assigned to the Holy Icons. The Iconostasis (Icon-screen) dividing the Altar from the rest of the church is covered with them, while others are placed in prominent places throughout the church building. Sometimes even the walls and ceiling are covered with them in fresco or mosaic form. The Orthodox faithful prostrate themselves before them, kiss them, and burn candles before them. They are censed by the Priest and carried in processions.