Schedule of Services
/ Schedule of Services
Schedule of Services
Ongoing Events & Activities
  • Church school
    Every Sunday after Divine Liturgy from September thru May
  • Junior choir
    Occasional Sundays after church school and some Sundays in the summer
  • St. George choir
    Meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
Weekly services

Church services are conducted by our parish priest, Father Radomir Plavsic, Father Deacon Joseph Henre, our church choir, and readers Jan Supica, Danny Zeck, Lisa Gribble, Helen Zakula Kennon, Leann Hinkle, Michelle Kimbell, and Maria Shatrova.


The regular schedule of weekly services is listed below. Exceptions to this schedule and additional services are listed at left.


Vespers at 5 p.m., followed by the sacred mystery of Confession.


Third and sixth hours at 9:40 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 10 a.m.

Communion preparation

Holy Communion is received only by baptized Orthodox Christians who have prepared with prayer, fasting, and the sacred mystery of Confession. Father Radomir is available to hear confessions following Saturday Vespers, by appointment, or as indicated on the schedule at left.

Appropriate attire

Modest, church-appropriate clothing should be worn at services. Women are encouraged to wear head coverings, especially when receiving communion.


Visitors and guests are always welcome to attend our services. However, Holy Communion is available only to Orthodox Christians who have prepared as noted above.

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St. George Serbian Orthodox Church | Lenexa, Kansas